
Puget Sound, marine research, Washington State, Shelly Nance dissects Chinook salmon smolts, National Marine Fisheries Service, NMFS, marine, research scientists trawl net to monitor diseases of fish in Puget Sound, Skagit Bay, aboard the research vessel Harold W. Streeter
© 2008 Joel Rogers
America's, Chinook, Ecosystems, Fisheries, Harold W. Streeter, MV, NMFS, NOAA, National Marine Fisheries Service, Northwest, PSAMP, Pacific Northwest, Puget Sound, Puget Sound Ambient Monitoring Program, Puget Sound Partnership, Research, Seattle, Shelly Nance, Skagit Bay, Sound, Streeter, Trawls, Washington State, biology, biome, conservation, crisis, damage, degradation, disease, dissecting, dissection, ecological, ecosystem, environment, environmental, environmental issues energy, estuaries, field, fish, fish health, habitat, health, herring, industrial pollution, laboratory, management, marine, measure, measuring, monitor, monitoring, pacific, pollution, populations, problem, problems, protected, protection, quality, record, resource, resources, restoration, salmon, samples, sampling, science, scientific, studies, survey, surveys, smolt, smolts, sustainability, symbols, trawl, water, waters, restore, restoring, cleaning up, Sound, Northwest, scientists, biologists, researchers, Picture, pictures, image, images, photograph, photographs, copy space, copyspace, stock, stock photography, vertical, cover, covers