Joel Rogers
99%, 2011, America, American, American citizens, Occupy Wall Street, Occupy Wall Street protestor, October 15, Pacific Northwest, Seattle, USA, United States, Wall Street protests, Washington State, anarchy, angry, anti, change, civil, climate, conservative, copyspace, country, country-wide, crisis, demonstration, demonstrations, depression, disenfranchised, disobedience, disparity, economic, economy, fairness, fear, fighting back, free, free speech, freedom, frightened, gap, globalization, growing, have and have nots, ideology, image, images, income, inequality and greed sweeping the United States. Westlake Center, inequity, issues, liberal, nation's, national, non violent, nonviolent, ordinary, out of work, people, photo, photograph, photographs, photography, photos, picture, pictures, political, protest, protestor, protestors, protests, race, racism, reaction, recession, regime, relations, right, right of assembly, rights, speech, state, state of anarchy, stock, unfairness, unions, unrest, urban, workers, “Bank of Whose America” sign